Finding the Similarities of Culture Through Artists' Landscape
Sept 14 - Oct 12, 2018
Zealotry and xenophobia represent current attempts of ethnic and cultural sectioning within the united states, eurozone, and further abroad sanctioned by the bold and incredibly transparent rhetoric and actions taken by America's current administration.
The beautifully diverse and artistic communities of Eastern Michigan stand tall as one of many best suited to produce an open and honest dialogue that explores this phenomenon. The engagement is not one solely of political rhetoric, but rather an honest commentary on the global communities that many of us are a part of or experience in our everyday lives and abroad.
Crossing Perspective's goal is to produce a unifying message that celebrates the multicultural landscapes -both figurative and literal - that draw from the artists' heritage, travels, and desire to foster a conversation that builds bridges through both our similarities and differences.

Curator:Â Christian Helser II
Participating Artists:
Alexander Höglund (Sweden)
Carlos Carvalho (Brazil)
Christian Helser II (USA)
Donald Cronkhite (USA)
Dustin Rodgers (USA)
Emily Cobb (USA)
Juanjuan "Heidi" Zhao China)
Kyle Sharkey (USA)
Liang Zhe (China)
Matt Lewis (USA)
Mellissa Redmen (USA)
Samar Bazzi (USA)
Seth Marosok
Sylvia Bandyke (USA)
Tatsuki Hakoyama (USA -Japan)
Wang Qiang (China)
Yao Lin (China)